Garima Chaklader

"Hoping to be like Professor Utonium, but to develop policy takeaways from my research to save a few, if not the world!" 

I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at Tetr College of Business and Masters' Union School of Business, holding a Ph.D. in Economics from IIM Bangalore. I visit Delhi Technological University and S.P. Jain School of Management.

My research delves into the service absorption capacity of manufacturing businesses and its impact on international trade. I examine how the manufacturing sector values a spectrum of services and explores the channels through which these services can enhance the industry's export potential. My work aims to uncover insights that can inform policy and strategic decisions in the manufacturing sector, ultimately fostering greater integration and competitiveness in the global market.

Research Interest: International Economics, Servicification

Teaching Interest:  International Business, Managerial Economics and Econometrics

Contact Information:

Twitter: @garimachaklader

LinkedIn: Garima Chaklader